A list of resources I found helpful while creating this site.
✿ W3schools - HTML and CSS tutorials.
✿ - Layout maker, HTML and CSS guides as well as other web resources.
✿ Colour Picker - HTML colour picker.
✿ Scrollbar Maker - Custom scrollbar maker.
Online Editors
✿ EZ Gif - Online Gif maker & editor.
✿ JS Paint - Online version of MS paint.
✿ 88x31 GIF Collection - A huge collection of 88x31 buttons.
✿ DaFont - Archive of freely downloadable fonts.
✿ FC2 Counter - Create a free hit counter for your website.
✿ GifCities - An archive of Geocities Gifs.
✿ GifyPet - Create a GifyPet for your website.
✿ Glitter Graphics - "Your #1 community for graphics, layouts, glitter text, animated backgrounds and more."
✿ WayBack Machine - Internet Archive that allows users to go back in time to see how websites looked in the past.