My Quiz Results

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Jaguars are both diurnal and nocturnal.

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Your beanie companion is: Snip

Take the Quiz at SillyBeanies

Which Iconic Barbie Doll Are You?

Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper Dolls

Yes, you’re both of them. These dolls came out in 2004 along with their movie, "Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper." Like these dolls, you are whimsical and fun, and you can often be found singing a pretty tune. You are thoughtful and kind, you have an artistic mind, and your inner child is alive and well!

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I am...

bratz !

you probably like britney spears, gwen stefani, or both ! you're obsessed with the 2000s, even though you might of been a baby then

want to know what doll franchise you are? click here !

My weapon is...

a healing stick !

you are always there to help your fellow magical girls ! you may not fight as well as them but your healing abilities are just as incredible

want to know what your magical girl weapon is ? click here !
