Kaoani orginated from Japan. The term Kaoani comes from the Japanese kao (顔, face) and ani (アニ, animation). Kaoanis are small animated smilies that usually bounce up and down to look like they are floating. Kaoani became hugely popular during the early 2000s.

Links & Credits 
✿ The World of Kaoani - Kaoani archive.
✿ Canuck's House of Kaoanis - Another Kaoani archive.
✿ Artwork - Huge Kaoani collection, has also made some super cute rilakkuma kaoani adoptables.
✿ LoveSick - Another Kaoani collection!
✿ Canuck's House of Kaoanis - Another Kaoani archive.
✿ Artwork - Huge Kaoani collection, has also made some super cute rilakkuma kaoani adoptables.
✿ LoveSick - Another Kaoani collection!